NIDA NIDA Online: Write Here, Write Now!

NIDA Online: Write Here, Write Now!

Adults (18+)

Level: Beginner

Explore the fundamental principles involved in creating your own short dramatic scene. Collaborate in writing compelling stories, develop interesting characters and workshop your ideas in a supportive online environment.

Learning Outcomes

  • Understand how to develop story ideas and themes
  • Activate characters through action and dialogue
  • Write a short dramatic scene and respond to feedback

Resources Required to Participate

  • Desktop, laptop or mobile with microphone and webcam
  • Word processing application (Google Docs or Word)
  • Internet connection
  • Notepad and pencil (non-essential)

Time Commitment

  • Face to face via Zoom: 4 × 2 hour sessions
  • Self-directed learning: approx 4 hours total between face to face sessions.

Important information

  • Please read our Cancellation and Transfer Policy.
  • Please ensure that you have given a valid email and mobile number as any course changes will be communicated via email or sms.
  • Please wear comfortable clothing you can move in for all drama and performance related courses, even when working from home. Clothing that restricts movement is inappropriate.

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